Saturday, August 22, 2020

Daily Notes- August 22


The title of this picture- via my iPhone- is "One Bowl".  In days of Deepest Depressed Thoughts- NOT RECENTLY (daughter!) but years ago- I thought about the minimum I would need to carry away with me.  One Bowl. One Spoon.  One Cup.  One Pan.  One Pot.  You get the idea.

Still, to this day, --I could eat almost all my meals out of this one bowl.  Now that I have said this the poor bowl will most likely be broken somehow.  It happens with my favorite coffee cups all the time.  I start the day with cold cereal in this bowl- it holds the perfect amount.  Later, I fill it with fresh fruit, yogurt and bran buds for lunch.  Even later it holds soup (in cold weather), tomatoes and basil (summer) and Kraft Mac and Cheese in any season. It fits perfectly in two palms.  I could actually drink coffee from it.

Oddly enough- I intended to carry ALL of my underwear with me.  Hard to find comfortable underwear.

I watered the tomatoes and now have the hose running on the peach trees.  A few days under the plastic microwave dome (with vents open) and the peaches are ripe and sweet.  But not right off the trees. I bought a flat pint of big red Raspberries and have exactly 8 of them with the Peaches and Yogurt.

I finished Deep Dish by Mary Kay Andrews last night.  Two Chef's.  Not her best work although it had it's moments.  Hissy Fit is next.  Also not her best work.  But I am giving them all a chance to surprise me. I am wondering about new work from her.  I will need to look online.

Yesterday, after dropping off the two spaghetti squash to my walking buddy- she, the retired reference librarian- suggested I actually Go Inside The Library to look at books.  She said it was very safe and well monitored. It was.  And I selected books for myself and for my husband. I took phone photos of books we might want to reserve.  At the outdoor check in station I was instructed on protocol.  As I was listening I was already rubbing my hands with disinfectant and wearing my mask.  I was told that moving my mask below my nose was forbidden and I would be asked to leave.  Everyone said "Welcome Back".  They had moved the areas that were heavily in use to areas where there would be little contact.  The new book section was moved to the center area where special exhibits usually were installed.  Green tape arrows told us where to walk.  Children there with a parent were very happy.  Fresh books.

Two Years.  That's what science is saying and that is a "positive thinking" number.  It could be years and years till this Covid 19 is finally figured out or over.  It may never be over.

A wedding here in Maine on August 2nd.  North of us.  65 guests.  Crowded indoors. 32 people have tested positive with test results not in yet for 103 people.  366 people are on the contact with an infected person list and may eventually have Covid.  One woman- who did not attend the wedding has died. She had contact (August 7th) with a guest.  All I have to say- was it worth it???  I couldn't live with the consequence of that one death.

1 comment:

  1. what shocking contrast. Your return to the library so carefully and thoughtfully managed. Then the selfish heedlessness of the wedding guests. I hope it makes the newspapers in bold print.
