Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Daily Notes- August 19th


Went looking for something to take a picture of this morning.  Husband gets irritable regarding Muffy and her clothing basket.  So, no Muffy today.  But this.  On the ironing board.  Not a square on top but a square cut way and the under revealed.  Like a watercolor batik.  Like a rain storm on a hot sultry summer day.  Coming in fast, pouring and then gone. Yesterday afternoon- from first clap of thunder to last rain drop- 15 minutes.  But I am loving this cloth photo.

I pickled the fresh garden cucumbers from last week.  They had been in the cold fridge so still good. From someone else's garden.  Mine made no cucumbers just leaves and blossoms.  The grocery cucumbers- had bitter peels so they got peeled and sliced thin and salted.  I drained them this morning.  Later they will get mixed with sour cream and dill.  My lunch. Most likely eaten standing up in the kitchen looking out the window.

We are going to the bank to cash checks at some point in the day.  An assortment of checks.  And then to put gas in my little Honda car.  Should last me into October (or longer). Twelve years old and 34K on the mileage.

Continuing with my reading but it it is going slower- more interruptions. Turning the hoses off an on.  Watering the tomatoes and annuals in containers.  Cleaning off the actual desk top and not the computer one.  Doing a load of wash.  Have one more of heavy work pants etc- from husband.  Making refrigerator pickles.  Thinking of making peanut butter pie and topping it with cold fudge sauce.  Would be extra crunchy peanut butter, cream cheese, powdered sugar and light cream not heavy cream.  Considering it.  It's a no bake just mix and eat sort of "pie". Unless I stop into the grocery and buy heavy cream.  It's near the bank. Might be nice to own a pint of heavy cream in these serious days.

The cherry tomatoes I am thinking I might have in one of the boxes on the drive might be three kinds- three colors of tomatoes.  Artisinal Multi Color Blend. So far, everyone out there is still green. I'll take a picture of them if they ripen in many colors.

If I go into the grocery, I might buy the heavy cream and a few tomatoes and some more fresh mozzarella for more Caprese.  I have a ton of fresh basil out on the back deck. Yes, I could make pesto but....I won't. I am reminded of good pasta with pesto that my husband's friend Charlie made for us one summer in Florida.  It was good.  The guys he knew were all in the same business as my husband and they were all excellent cooks except for my husband.

I should have considered marrying a man who would cook food for me. At almost 74 I think that opportunity has passed me by.  I am lucky my husband learned to make his own breakfast.  Toasting a bagel. Pressing a button for coffee.  Oh- he does now, also, make his own lunch.  He rolls deli ham and turkey with slices of Swiss cheese. This is progress but I think we have gone as far as it is possible to go.


  1. Should you find a man who is eager to cook food for you please ask if he has a like-minded brother for me.

  2. Could relate to " it might be nice to own a pint of heavy cream in these serious days." My husband prepares our food. Would not call it cooking ... more assembling , very simple fare... I think it's a little control issue, but I am fine with it . I think it evolved because I got home from work later than he did.
