Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Daily Notes- June 9th


I think from the Simple Veganista.  She works on the pictures.  I would not- in any event- purchase every single item in this salad.  It would be too many things.  The red cabbage for a few ribbons. Three colors of bell peppers but perhaps if the produce section had three small ones in a single bag. Cucumber. Limes, Romaine, Cucumber, Chives.  The dressing is almonds processed with lime juice.

My salad bowl would contain Romaine and carrots. Period.  On the fence regarding the dressing.
I don't "splash out" on myself.

We (I) found tiny white/yellow worms on the grapes leaves.  Looked it up on internet. Forgot to write the name down but we mixed up Bt and sprayed the grapes.  Husband's back is killing him and he was trying to reach up to spray so I went into the garage and moved massive ladders until I found one I could carry down to the garden.  Set it up.  Lifted sprayer to husband.  Now we are hoping the little worms- well, I am not sure what happens?  They are unable to eat?

Husband went to get his hearing tested and I started in on cutting the grass.  I got the front done by the time he got home and then worked on the back.  We were a few days off schedule or that big rain storm got the grass growing.  Lots of seed heads.  Looks lovely.  I had a nice shower and now wearing my pink linen capri pants and a white linen shirt.  Very June.   And we had Grass Cutting Finished Ice Cream at DQ.

I even had to figure out how to start the mower.  And good thing as I had to start it four or five times. Kept seeing spots I'd missed.  One spot between two trees on husband's cutting section.

I had written a lot of nonsense here but left the computer before hitting publish.  Good thing as nothing like an hour or more cutting the grass, a shower and a few corn chips to change ones attitudes.  Husband found me a better sprinkler.  It does the full 360.  So I am now happy my herbs etc will get watered.  Now I am going to read my book.  Tomorrow I pick up two more the library (curbside) and return some for their 72 hours waiting period before re-shelving.

I'm glad I didn't press send on that first post.

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