Sunday, June 28, 2020

Daily Notes- June 28

The Herb Garden.  At 6 pm.  Front left is chives.  The flowers past bloom time. Behind the chives a very healthy rectangle of mint.  The tall red French marigolds behind the mint (no flowers yet).  Then the still very small dill rectangle and then we have hyssop.  To the right behind the mint is very tall tarragon. Behind that abundant sage which has flowered (slight pinkness if you look close).   The basil will be grown in a clay pot so I can micro manage the amounts of water it gets.  Likes being moist but not wet. To the right of the chives is oregano.  Lots and lots of it. I have no thyme. (Ha!)  Need to remedy that. 
An Austin Rose at the far end of the herb garden and some daylily- I like to eat the buds.

Husband weeded the bed across the aisle to the left and I may move my self seeded arugula over in the newly bare spot.  Let it seed in new soil and become "abundant".  And sprinkle new arugula seeds.
I didn't grow garlic this year (it was a habit and my pickles do not need much- one large bulb is enough)
I don't like it. The smell on people nauseates me.

The two new grape vines from my friend Patty have started to climb the fence.  Leon Merlot and a seeded Concord.  The grapes I have growing up and over the trellises are a seedless Concord variety that I prefer. You can just eat grapes and not find and spit out the seeds. 

The blackberry bushes outside the fenced garden were abundantly covered in flowers.  I planted the kind that makes the big fat blackberries but the clump also contains the small wild ones.  
I need to find a way to keep the wild animals from eating all the blackberries.  Set my flag.
I would like a few breakfasts of blackberries with my yogurt. Or homemade scones.

I've done something to my right ankle. It hurts and "gives out" when I take a step (without thinking about taking a step first).  The chicken wire under the mulch on the short Peach Tree is working.  No one is digging holes next to the stem of the tree. I found and washed a half dozen linen shirts from the Attic. I also found an old heavy white linen Ralph Lauren "jacket"- when I put it on it drops to the top of my knees. Buttons up the front. Two large pockets right where my hands are.  Might do for a base for a Spirit Cloth robe.  Just appliqué cloth to it and add a bit of length to the bottom to be more "robe-like". 
I could also color it up a bit with some plant materials.  Would be nice to pull on after a Summer shower. Reminds me of the big old thin white linen robe I used to have.
This one would last me the rest of my Life.  Which is a comforting thought.

Might even be a good surface for all the small patched cloth on the wall across from the table.
A Robe of Many Colors.
A very Fortunate Find up in the Craft/Out of Season Clothes Attic.


  1. I wonder if you've read this woman's blog? She does some interesting handwork using bits and pieces, but her "Corona Kimono" might be of particular interst to you.d

  2. I really, really love your attic and I haven't even seen it.

  3. I'm with Life Scraps. I call it 'the Magic Attic' -- it feels like the pot in the fairy tale that never empties! And yes, the garden is beautiful. I'm a little jealous of all those herbs!
