Monday, June 15, 2020

Daily Notes- June 15th

Monday.  Supreme Court 6 to 3.  A Good day.
Doing three loads of wash today- summer and lots of changes of clothes. I also washed my slippers. Well, one pair.  I wear slippers all the time.  Even go outside in them somedays.  The good ones with the heavy duty soles.  Not these.

I decided to make a second trip this week.  I had three new books waiting at the library and the FORCE of them was too much for me and I had to go get them.  And Curbside is not really inside.  It's just a phone call, a wait in the parking lot in your car and then walking over to the table to pick the bag of books up. A new to me detective book.  That's the first one I am going to be reading--Thank you Connie!!

No Pizza yesterday.  Husband had pasta and I had peanut butter.  We- well, he was asleep-- watched or tried to watch PBS.  Grantchester?  Awful.  Won't waste any more effort on that show plus had to listen to the PBS Begging.  Which is tiresome- who wants DVD's?  Next up was Beecham House.  
Most of the actors are from previous PBS shows.  The lead guy was in recent Jane Austin. I was interested in seeing how often he would take off his clothes (frequently in Jane Austin) or accidentally shoot himself sticking those muskets into his pants.  I don't know this book or story.  In the previews for next week the Builder from the Jane Austin joins the cast as the wayward younger brother.

If I had to guess- the director is "crushing" on the two actors.
I do not think I will waste any additional time watching next Sunday.

Husband is finishing his lunch and I need to find something to eat, myself.  
The sun comes and goes.  Looks like we took care of almost all of the grape leaf worms with the second treatment.  Looks like another good harvest.  Even blackberries.  Plums. Peaches. All looking like we will have lots of fruit.  I will have to start buying sugar each week for the canning process. I'm sure at peak canning season- there will be none on the shelves.  And canning lids. My grocery has all these items in the hallway leading into the grocery so I will take inventory and then stock up.

I think I will have a Noosa yogurt for lunch  - perhaps add pitted cherries to it.
Sounds good.  My other choice is a salad.  But I think I will have that with my pizza later.


  1. 6 to 3 ... good news indeed ... on a day when, once again, there was far too much bad news

    I have yet to venture to the library, choosing instead to re-read the books on our shelves ... my days as a librarian making me leery, even though the CDC says touch is not a source of Covid transmission ... the same CDC that said masks were not helpful for long weeks before realizing they are indeed a way to control the spread of the virus ...

    so I join you in focusing on the quotidian ... laundry and meal planning ... simple things

    may you be safe ... may you be well

  2. 6 - 3. My soul rejoices whenever I think of it. Why did this even have to be a thing?
