Thursday, March 19, 2020

Daily Notes- March 19th

Most of my sewing yesterday was on my number one grey sweater.  The adjacent areas worn thin with large holes under my left arm.  Major work.  The red sweater is needing some help also.  But I have no red to use as a patch.  I do have a black sweater I could cut into.  Or I could wait until Goodwill is safe again-- but I was not finding ANY used cashmere sweaters in any colors for months and months.  So I will use grey or black to patch the red sweater.

Daughter arrived with our groceries (lots of shelves in store are still empty no restocking).  The "stay at home" shopping was fun (sort of).  I made a list and took pictures of the items.  We sent pictures back and forth when my brand of instant coffee was NOT on the shelf.  I got the store brand as it's just coffee. Something hot to drink in the morning that isn't tea. Coffee doesn't mean all that much to me. But I would have missed it at breakfast.

And I had her purchase a small piece of smoked ham to cook with my recently discovered brown lentils. $1.47.  My store sells the small ends they cut off before slicing the deli meats. I will make the lentil soup from a recipe given to me by a dear German friend from the 1980's.

And we now have pizza dough and pepperoni.  I also got sweet potatoes.  I like them baked and then stuffed with roasted vegetables and tons of butter. Or just alone with lots of butter.  I asked her to buy more butter.

I should have gone outside for a solitary walk yesterday- fresh air.  Today it's cold and raining. But I could imagine if Riley was still here- I would be walking him out in this weather.  So, I shall go out. Down to the end of the street where it meets the road and then back to the end and home. Or even do it twice.

Daughter bought stamps- I should have gotten some as well.  Next time. But we did get Pay Per Bag garbage bags.

And the Taxes loom.  I haven't even begun to sort the paperwork out yet.

If you had a choice would you subscribe to Netflix or Amazon Prime? We cancelled Netflix about  a year ago because we never watched it but we need something to watch besides News, Law and Order and Hallmark (which G hates).


  1. we have been watching YouTube ... old episodes of the PBS series Craft in America ... free and very calming ...

  2. I have Prime and love watching (binging) on episodes of tv programs. I just finished Eureka (it was originally shown on SciFi channel). It's a quirky dramady. I haven't found a new series yet that I want to watch.
