Sunday, February 09, 2020

Daily Notes0 February 9th


The Photo file on my phone had a few more paper collages from- whenever I was making collages. this one is interesting.  The map is Italian.  And I added some scribbles in pen or marker. I even sketched in the missing wing on the right side.   These were torn out of spiral art paper book. Perhaps I had intended to fill all the pages with collage?  But I stopped. And never came back.

Today is sunny but cold.  Tomorrow there is "weather" which is a mixture of cold/warm and snow/rain.  Usually, here in Maine an unfortunate mixture that causes heavy ice on trees- unhealthy trees with shallow roots- which fall heavily onto power lines.  But as of now- no wind and blindingly white snow cover.  Hurts one's eyes to look outside.

It was like that at bedtime.  The huge Moon shining on the icy snow.  You could go outside and it was like daylight.  The moon is in my sign. Don't know what that means.

We are off to Goodwill, Library, Grocery and G wants to visit a hardware store for new black/bronze hinges for the doors on the cabinets either side of the fireplace.  We did find the glass shelves for the bookcases.  They also need black hooks to hold up the shelves.  The dark wood of a few pieces of furniture and one lamp stand out against all the white.  I am thinking about framed art in the Attic that has never hung in this house.  Thinking how it might look.  Thinking of other unframed art that might be framed in the next few months.  And I need more new lamps.  Bigger.

I am thinking the items I packed (carefully) away and stored in the Cloth Attic (aka Magic) will stay there. I don't miss any of it.  I'm not ready to be rid of it yet--but just not interested in having it back in the living room.  Out of sight- out of mind is a pretty strong feeling right now.  I can (sort of) understand how someone could walk away from a house in the middle of a meal and not ever return.  Witch Hazel in Braiding Sweetgrass.  But I would have come back for the pots and pans and the bed quilts. And my favorite shirts and pants.  And the aprons.

I have two Witch Hazel trees here.  G dug them up and carried them home from the landscaping of the company restaurant he was running.  They were going to be tossed into the dumpster by the parent company.  Larger parking lot. I have one in the front yard by the pull out to the back yard- we can drive down there- and a second by the bird feeders to the right of the vegetable garden.

We went out for early dinner yesterday.  We like eating at around 4pm.  I had a lovely gin and tonic. Extra lime.  I had eggplant.  A nice salad.  And for dessert one scoop of vanilla and one deep chocolate gelato.  Perfecto.  G had a dish of pasta, hot Italian sausage and Mussels. He had limoncello tart.  Also quite lovely.  We were back home before it got dark.

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