Sunday, February 02, 2020

Daily Notes- February 2nd


Not a collage of paper but one of cloth?  Larger than 10 by 12.  Hand sewn of eco dyed cloth (me), commercial and DebL's special brew (the old robe).  Riley's Cloth.  Made in the last few days.  While we watched Law and Order together and I rubbed his back with my foot. He gave the cloth a nose over every so often.  Riley always took an interest in my cloth projects.


Avocado Toast.  My first time.  Loved it.  The toast was a honey oat.  Very yummy. Avocado the perfect softness.  Now wondering why I waited so long to try it.

This is my second try at a post today.  The other one- too much.  I hope in the 5 minutes it was live that no one read it.  If you did- try and forget, will you?

I was yammering on and on about depression and the things in my Life that trigger it.  Something did trigger it and that got me thinking of ending the blog writing.  But the blog writing was never really  more than a daily letter- to someone. You?   It's like Morning Pages but not a secret.  Though I do have to go do some Washing Machine Pages in the next few days. Which are quite secret. And I think it's okay to admit to being depressed.  To struggle with being happy.  The dark wall of trees surrounding this house never helps.

So, yes, something triggered the latest round of feeling depressed and No Sam!!! do not buy me a Happy Light to stare at.  I've just about figured out the combo of events which was pretty strange.  Getting past all that.  Spending time just looking at my -only the primer- white walls.  G and I stood in the hallway by the front door looking at the room last night - the fireplace and the two flanking bookcases.  Lovely.  Serene. We might not use the heavy wooden shelves- G thinks we still have the glass shelves. I am thinking I might not have shelves at all.  Art on the back wall with the spotlights on.  Our moment of Zen.

This Time around- I am going for plain and simple.  We took another two cartons of stuff to Goodwill. Glass vases, bowls and compotes.  Six red wooden apples.  A burlap stuffed mouse from Germany- 20 inches tall.  The shopping basket I used to carry in the car to hold groceries. Daily shopping was a thing in Germany.  I got used to it in the second year living there.

I don't know what Life holds for me in February. Today I purchased Seed Starting potting mix and will be starting seeds in my milk jugs today or tomorrow.  I get my eyes checked to morrow and will most likely need new lenses.  So no reading tomorrow.  I might just sit and close my eyes and think. Feel.  And, well till tomorrow, huh?

1 comment:

  1. A cloth collage filled with Riley's spirit, filled with your instinctive sense of cloth is such a gift for all of us. Joanne this collage embodies so much more than a stepping stone, it gives us a pathway to know what is in our hearts and to not be afraid to show this and it does so by your strips of golden colored cloth. They are light filled pathways, illuminating our way, shining in on the corners of despair for we all have them. Thank you for your many days of collage generosity. I do hope you will continue making collages for you create magic and reality.
