Sunday, February 16, 2020

Daily Notes- February 16th


My Citrus.  Strange things going on with the leaves.  I am feeding it everything it likes but this might be something from when it was outdoors all Summer.  Speckled.  I have picked off the yellowing ones.  Plenty of blossoms.  I do not think it will set any fruit- doesn't seem to enjoy being "paintbrush" pollinated.   I am misting it daily so the air around it is moist.  When it's time to go outside again I will repot and add coarse sand and cedar bark chips to the soil mix in a larger pot- make it more Floridian.  And I will add citrus fertilizer.  We'll see.  Once or twice this same plant has set one or two limes but they never make it to maturity.  Next time I am at the greenhouse I will see if they have a Meyer's Lemon.   Cross pollination is always a good way to go.

Goodwill Sunday and pink tags were one dollar and red tags were 50% off.  My two lucky colors at Goodwill.  I got a pair of Spring LLBean pants.  Cropped. A nice pink v-neck tee and another long sleeved brown V neck tee.  Perfect for Spring.  There were no Bean corduroy pants at all -in any of the sizes.  I would welcome a donor pair for patches and repairs.  No luck in either store. One dollar each.

A long time ago- when the carpenters were here every day putting in the bathrooms and the hallway floor tiles-- I was clipping and removing cross stitch floss from a Goodwill tablecloth.  The person doing the stitch had used the full 6 threads.  Ugh.  It was hard going.  This is the same thing only the cloth is not as coarse and the stitch is only two threads.  It looks so much like the other one.  Exact same colorways.  I got it for $8  and it is linen.  I am looking forward to cutting it up for the dye works as the weather here warms up.  I don't "do" tablecloths anymore.

I  also found a box with conte crayons and charcoal drawing sticks.  For one dollar.  Conte crayons are not one dollar anywhere so even if they are broken- it was a very good deal.  I used one to make marks on paper from my purse and it was the real thing.  I haven't opened the box yet- just peeked inside at Goodwill- so there might be some additional surprises in the box.

We got the bill from the Painter and, seriously, I think he needs to charge more for his services. I am  adding a gratuity to the check I send him.  G is finding all sorts of projects to do around the house so as not to attach the doors to the cabinets next to the fireplace.  I will call someone else to do it.  Painter was adamant that just taking the doors off had been his limit.  Like I said- have to actually be inside to do the job and no adult can fit inside.  Not sure the Twins could do the job but they would fit inside. There is a kid working at the greenhouse who might be able to crawl in there.

It's cold here but each day is a bit warmer than the one preceding.  We are going to the little independent movie theater tomorrow to see Knives Out.  I watched a Star Wars movie yesterday on tv--the one where Hans Solo gets killed by his son and Rey ends the movie climbing those Irish hills. 2015.  I actually really like the very first Rey movie where she is living on that sandy planet alone. I always hope they will show that one.

1 comment:

  1. Joanne, where do you live that has a season called spring? ha,ha. You kept talking about the outfits you bought at Goodwill being good for spring.You know we go from winter to summer here in Maine, we don't do spring!

    Your newly painted living room sounds nice,hope you can find someone to do the doors, or why not leave them off for open shelves?

    take care,
