Thursday, January 23, 2020

Daily Notes- January 23


Collage Prompt: 22  Send yourself a Valentine.

There was more to the prompt but this is what I remember.  I know what is in my heart.  The good the bad the ugly.  It's all there.  Each day I have to decide how it will go.  Will I dwell on the past?  Will I seek the positive?  Will I let myself be happy today?

When I was making this collage I didn't notice (subconscious did notice) the eyes. Looking out.  I may remove the word intuitive.  I am that- but it doesn't fit here.

Yesterday we went out for lunch.  Not sure if we will go out of the house today.  We also picked up a library book for me- I now have four books in the cue.  Waiting for me to decided to read.  At the grocery I purchased a large clear plastic (ugh!) tub of perfect mandarin oranges with little stems and dark healthy leaves attached. Auspicious for the Chinese New Year on Saturday.  Grown in the USA.
I did not purchase anything to make for dinner today.  I can make grilled cheese sandwiches with baked beans.  G will eat that.  That's what I will do.

The neighbor down the street came by our table at the restaurant.  He was eating there as well.  He asked if he and his twin sons could come visit this week.  We said yes.   It will be an interesting visit.  Two six year olds.  But they will be interested in the living room being 80% empty.  "why don't you have any furniture?"

The boys are very good at making conversation- their parents expect conversation at dinner each day.  Most of it is imaginary and G finds it hard to follow. I just listen and make appropriate facial expressions.  Amazement at their legendary feats of adventure.  Serious expression when they tell of problems during the legendary feats of adventure.  And I try to answer the questions they pose regarding our lives which puzzle them. I often wait to hear them utter the "Maine Question".  "Where are your people???" Or better still "Who are your people?"  Because they never see us with anyone.

And now we no longer have the dog.  Who terrified them while intriguing them.  Riley loved them. They smelled very interesting.  And they moved about in haphazard ways which had the dog riveted. After an encounter- Riley would want to  return to the places they had been while talking to us.  Re-create the encounter and smell everything in depth.  Where their feet were- where they kicked the soccer ball. The stick they used.

The Painter was just here- he will return on Saturday to do some work on the ceiling cracks and remove all the crown molding.  And then we will most likely see him every day.

1 comment:

  1. did you scribble on the colorful background paper or does it just look that way?
