Saturday, January 11, 2020

Daily Notes- January 11


Prompt number 10. I was supposed to consider "new paper" that has entered my life since the challenge began.  But this piece of paper was insisting it was Time for it to enter the booklet.  This bird.  Drawn and collaged perhaps 10 years ago (by me) with dictionary pages.  It had joined itself, somehow to the remaining branch of berries from the Tree we made that first day?  In the first days. The papers tangled together.  And as Fate would have it- the bird's length would not fit on any other page- only this one.  The photo thingy cropped the width of the page spread- his tail does indeed end on the very edge of the page.

So my collage for day 10 is this Bird.  Culled from a notebook.  Lost and now found.  And I've provided the bird with berries to eat (as he brought his berries along as a sort of packed lunch).  After adding the bird- the abstract strips of paper from another of the early prompts has become a forest of sorts.  I added the strip of zigzags for the bird to perch.  Matisse's Woman Reading is now canopied by the branch of berries.  A story being written by coincidence.

I am intrigued by the same materials being used and one side of the spread seems darker than the other.  Perhaps the background color the pages in the booklet? Yes, that is what is happening.

We have rain today.  Snow melting as temperatures rise into the high 40's.  Snow. Wind. Ice Storm coming tomorrow.  We have been told to go to the grocery for food and water if needed.  If the power goes out as they are suggesting.  This is when I wish we had a gas stove.

I listened to PBS and the history of hillbilly music.  Gene Autry.  My little record player (in a small plaid suitcase)  my records- red vinyl.  Gene singing.  I still have the little record player case.  My father had taken the record player parts out of it and used it to store his haircutting supplies.  When he passed I brought the little case and the haircutting supplies home with me.  Would have been happy if it was still a record player and my little records were still inside.  Teddy Bears's Picnic.

On the PBS show last night: someone singing You Are My Sunshine with verses I had never heard before.  I think my mother sang the song to us when we were babies. I sang it to my babies as it was the only lullaby I knew.


  1. Today's collage really resonates with me and I think it is my favorite so far.

    Your memories also resonate with me but I can't speak to them, only feel the loss and sadness.

  2. I love how you made this prompt your own. The bird is wonderful and surely deserved the inclusion you gave it.

  3. I love your bird with its berries and also the record player memories. "If you go down in the woods today, your're sure of a big surprise. If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise." My cousin had a record player and we loved Teddy Bears' Picnic.
