Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Daily Notes- December 10


While looking for something in the ten drawer rolling storage thingy- I opened this drawer and snapped a picture.  My bead drawer.  Now, I also have bead dishes.  Not in the drawer.  I love those striped beads sort of center top but haven't found a way to string them that "works".

Connie commented that my pictures often feel like she is visiting my home.  That's what I want, so, thank you for that comment!!!

I would take pictures of the new trim around windows, floors etc but actually, it doesn't look that interesting to anyone but G and I.  I always go for plain white.  With emphasis on plain.  But the carpenter guys did some very tricky little things when we did the halls and bathrooms.  Little touches that made plain look very interesting.  Tomorrow if the light is good- I'll take detail shots. There weren't as many places here in the big living room to little things-- too many long, long runs of baseboard. If they had an extra day- I would have had them take down the fireplace mantel and design something new.  But that wall will remain as it is--but fresh and white in January.

We had torrential rain all day yesterday and all night.  All the snow is gone and Rudolph is on his side on the grass out front.  Nice green grass for Christmas.  No sunshine.  Rain continues today.  All day.

Even with all the lights on here in the house- it feels dark.  And too quiet after all the noise and talking yesterday.

I randomly picked up a piece of a shiny blue black - a scrap- from Deb Lacativa- and it was the exact width I needed.  I did a rough stitch to get it down- picture tomorrow- I wanted the thread to look more like pencil lines-- and then I went looking for more.  There was none. Strangest thing.  But happening more often these days.  It's almost like I picture in my mind what I need and then it's there - this scrap was actually on the sewing machine table.  Not in the basket.

So Deb- small thin or raggedy blue black fraying bits.  Send.  Or maybe you already did send- that one fragment and perhaps that is all there was or all that was needed.  I have to think about that.

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