Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Daily Notes- October 22nd

Stopping for a treat.  Riley stops often along the 45 minute daily walk, for treats.  G makes sure his pocket is stocked with enough treats.  Labs love their owners but..in my opinion Labs love the treat pocket most of all.  I never have treats.  Riley knows this but comes over to sniff my pocket anyway.

My wrapped and tied packets of grape mordanted cloth- turned out to have some interesting color but no imprints of leaves.  I opened them this morning.  And did not wash them out- they are on the rack drying.  The string used to tie the packages made some interesting lines- they might wash out so I am not getting too excited about them.  You'll see them after wash, dry and press.

Made a Huge Effort at a supper yesterday.  And it was very good.  And then we settled into the couch to watch the Patriots and Jets.  And see the promo from the Dec 20th final Starwars movie. ( I admit to not really paying full attention to it).  I would fire the Jets coach for allowing his brand new just out of college quarterback to completely lose his confidence.  The guy will most likely relapse into mono. A few former Patriots are on the Jets team and the reasons why they are not Patriots anymore were very obvious.  And it was interesting to see defensive linemen playing offense (or the other way round).  Our coach is a very interesting man and he looked very very happy last night.

Today started out mild and sunny but as we progress toward noon-- it's looking chilly with a very strong chance of wet.  So, a good day to get lost in reading a book.  I don't feel inclined to work on the Bernina bobbin case.  And I have already written three pages in the Washing Machine Pages notebook.  While doing two loads of wash.  Small ones as that is where we are now in the likelihood of no overflowing of water lottery game I am playing.  I think I could chance it in the medium load but- why??

Riley is counting the minutes till G finishes his word search puzzle and we go on the walk.  See, too.

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