Thursday, October 17, 2019

Daily Notes- October 17

Grape Juice Cloth.  Was a rosy grape pink but then- to get the grape juice smell and residue off I chose the bar of Witch Hazel soap instead of my usual Dawn dish soap.  And what to my excited eyes did appear....the silvery blue I so desired.  I must have grabbed the bar of soap that other day I used grape juice.  I don't know what color the Dawn would have produced. You can see the faint grape pink on the top edges on the rack. I also added pieces of commercial print that is "too much" to the pot to tone down the commercialness of the cloth.  They are nice and dull now.

I have a quart of juice in the fridge to use in the next few weeks.  In case some cloth looks too new.

Today is the day after the Nor'easter and lots of trees are down on the roads.  Not where I live. But just around the corner in Harpswell.  And no haircut as my haircutter has two very large trees blocking her from getting out.  My "to do" list got shortened (but not my hair).  Just the library and grocery store.

I was going to iron my pretty Fall leaves with wax paper but overnight they all turned a very sad brown.  They must have been too far along in the process of decay.  I don't even think ironing them yesterday would have made a difference.  The trees still have plenty of leaves.  G thought the rain would knock them all off.

I have to start thinking about Halloween Candy.   I'd like Mounds Bars but I don't think children like them.  When I was a child I liked the Baby Ruths but I don't think they make them anymore and children don't like them, either. I need to buy and give out a candy bar that children like and that I like.  Because there will be leftover candy.   One year I ate my way thru two bags of Tootsie Rolls. One that I bought and handed out and one that the neighbor gave me after removing some dental thing while chewing a Tootsie roll.

When I was a child we carried pillow cases to hold all the candy we collected and when we got home, dumped it all on the carpet and then divided it up as to who liked what. We didn't like the homemade popcorn balls.  Or the Apples.  I liked when we got pencils or pocket change- nickels and pennies..  And one year we got comic books.  That was the best year ever.

I am reading the book after Agnes and the Hitman (which was great).  This one is a film director and a Green Beret who is supposed to be a stunt man in a movie she has been called to finish after the director dies.  It really really needed Beta Readers.  It's a mess.  I have put it in the return to library bag twice. The smartest two people in the book are the soldier and a 5 year old. I am still reading because I like the soldier and the five year old.

Riley is wondering if we are walking today and if we are not...why isn't the television on with Law and Order???????????  Daughter had to drive to the butt end of Georgetown to care for her employer's two goats and all the chickens and the two dogs.  Boss has a bad back today. Otherwise it was a rain day and daughter was looking forward to reading on the couch with two cats sleeping on her legs.

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