Sunday, September 08, 2019

Daily Notes- September 8

From my drawing journal.  Another house that I may also try rendering in watercolor.  This house has deep roots and it's interesting-- seeing it here--the house looks like an Arrow pointing up- into possibilities?  There is quite a bit of energy in this one.  I will need a rectangular piece of paper.

I think Grace might have some insight into what my subconscious had to say.

Life continues to move slowly here in Maine.  Sunshine today but I don't think it will warm us much. Dorian is gone.  We had rain which the grass appreciated.  My tomato plants are mostly bare stems with fruit.  All the leaves have curled and dried.  I carry in a few to finish ripening.  I collect containers of the Sungold cherries.  My friends and neighbors enjoy a gift of one or two.  The peaches are nearly done.

Yesterday as we drove into the driveway, a six year old jetted past on his bike and shouted "thanks for the peaches".   One of the twins.  They were almost identical in all pursuits for as long as we have known them- but now one is an outdoor adventurer and the other explores in books.  I really need to find their names and remember them.  I'm sure they will not appreciate being known as "the twins".

I have peaches from the second tree- the smaller, shorter tree.  It's peaches are twice the size of the tall tree and luscious.  The tall tree has finished it's work. All the supports and chicken wire have been removed.  They hold their own without the weight of the fruit.

Out back the tree hydrangea is showing off it's very full and very large flowers.  White. But as the evenings get colder they will blush pink first and then deepen to a darker rose color.  G is working on weeding the fenced garden.  The ten foot tall Ironwood is getting ready to flower in a brilliant sapphire blue.  In time for my birthday.  The blue up at the tips of the stems.

I finished my book.  And will begin another.  I think I destroyed the little house boat watercolor making the water too much the same intensity of color as the sky.  I will try again. A package arrived in the mail with DebLacativa thread.  I was thinking of a little bit of lettering.  "When this you see, think of me."  But when "this I see" (the lettering) I will think of Deb.

I am in a bit of a melancholy time right now.  Always, prior to my birthday.  Looking back.  Not always a good thing.  But looking forward- well, so much bounty these days.  I thank all of you who read this blog, make comments and offer friendship.  As always- know that you mean the World to me.


  1. Happy birthday in advance, cause I'll surely miss the day. My brother's birthday is today. Yes, you September babies do get the blues, and yes, much to turn your face to the sun about.

  2. A good way to think of birthdays as we get on in years......I'm thankful to have one more, we never know if it may be the last! Another great drawing. I didn't get the house part...just saw an arrow, got it after your explanation, genius!

