Sunday, August 18, 2019
Daily Notes- August 18th
DebL suggested Softscrub gel with bleach for bleaching fabric. She said it made nice moons. She was correct. This was just my "test" and now I am eager to make more moons.
I also have a juvenile print I dug out of the Magic Attic Bins. Dick and Jane. With additional fabric with text from the books. Am I older than you Readers? Do you remember Dick and Jane? Spot and Puff? It took me FOREVER to learn to read. I would cry over not being able to do the vocabulary cards. We had to know ALL the words before we got our first book. None of this sounding out the words. I am reminded of my mother shuffling the cards and then holding them up for me to "read".
Later, I did the same with my daughter. My brother and my son got it the first time thru the cards. Genetically identical. But my daughter and I struggled. Both of us are voracious readers.
I went out to water the Tomatoes this morning. I had more yellowed spotted leaves to cut and remove. Only one sort of ripe tomato and a whole bowl of Sungold cherry tomatoes. The "sort of ripe" tomato joined the other sort of ripe tomato in the vestibule. Another few days. I believe they are the French Rose_______ something tomato. A heirloom that my friend Allie starts from seed for me. She also gave me a couple Snow White cherry tomato plants. Nothing has ripened on those plants yet. I am surprised that none of the Early Girls have ripened. Last year I had boxes of them to give away by late July. I have a lot of green tomatoes. A LOT.
No Goodwill again today. Just feel like I have enough of everything. More fabric than any one person needs. I am going to read book 4 today. Read all the way through book 3 in one afternoon and early evening. It was very good.
Then watched the last quarter of the Patriots pre-season game. Games one and two have been against teams coached by former Patriots coaches who decided to leave the Patriots. The expressions on their faces were ...... well, they might be wondering why they just didn't stay in New England and have a bunch of Super Bowl Rings.
Well, I'm going to read my book. Riley is in panic mode. He calms down when I read.
I moved toward the end of first grade. The new class was reading "Jane's Old Doll." We had just finished that in my old school and everyone was relieved that I was in the same place.