Monday, July 29, 2019

Daily Notes- July 29th

Here I am in front of my Grow Boxes and tomato plants.  Wearing my "new" black knit Bean pants and one of my white linen camp shirts.  You can also see the support sticks that are keeping the tall support boxes from tipping over onto the driveway.  Over to the the right of my feet--the parsley that is trying to recover (growing in a water from the bottom window box).  It got too hot on the deck.  This picture before 10 am and already 80 degrees with very high humidity. I just finished watering the boxes.

I wish I looked slimmer but the weight sticks to me even though I am watching my food intake.

Riley and G went out for their walk while I was in Town having a coffee date with my library friend. We had iced coffee and a nice conversation.  Now I'm back home and realized I forgot to buy garlic so I can make another jar of refrigerator pickles with the cucumber from my Grow Box.  Yes, the plants managed to produce 8 nice sized pickling cucumbers.  Actually, 10.  I ate two of them. Since I forgot the garlic I will slice the cucumbers thinly, salt, drain and then dress with sour cream, vinegar, sugar and dill for a nice cold salad.  In years when the cucumber production was WAY out of control, I ate bowls of this cucumber salad for lunch every day.  It's also good with grilled sausages and fried potatoes and onions. (but that involves cooking)

G just went to Walgreens and purchased a pill organizer for Riley's daily pills.  I need to be "organized".  Nine dollars.  So much for Walgreens being inexpensive. Newly redesigned and opens with just the touch of a finger but not child safe.  But I'll have Riley's AM and PM pills sorted and I can stop using the index card on the microwave to remind me.  G has many pill sorters but this one is for the dog.  I don't take any pills.  Isn't that odd for a woman my age???  I think it is.  I often feel left out when people talk about all their daily pills.  I'd take one if there was a pill for the bones in my right leg and hip.

Well. it's hot outside so I am going to do some sewing.  Enjoy the house being cool. Perhaps we'll get some ice cream later in the day--when it's okay for Riley to go for a ride in the car.  AC on.


  1. You look good. I've come to the realization that I will never be thin again. It's hard to admit it but it's true.

    I don't take pills either. Just a daily vitamin and OTC calcium.

  2. thanks for the lovely pic of you, so good to see the people I read about every day. Nice looking lady!
    You are so lucky to not have to take meds, I take six different prescribed ones per day,all with various side effects, ugh!

  3. What a delight to see a picture of you! Looking good!
