Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Daily Notes- July 24th

Well, it never rained.  We had some dripping but no rain.  And the sun is out andI think it's in the high 70's.  Not bad.  I do need to run the AC in the car though.

Riley had a one hour ultra-sound today.  The two Vet's looked at his liver and spleen to see if there was disease or tumors.  No.  No reasons for the high blood levels.  But we are happy there was nothing to see.  And since our Vet was learning how to use the equipment--they maneuvered Riley around on the table to look at as many internal organs as possible.  We didn't have to pay. Riley is an easy going dog.  So, two of us are doing the "happy dance" over here and one of us is sound asleep.

I stopped at the grocery to select vegetables--not growing in my garden--for a big salad.  I love a big salad.  That's where I am going as soon as I hit publish. To the kitchen.  Carrots, romaine, radishes, spring mixed greens-I might add green onions.  Live on the wild side.  Big Salad.  I usually try to have some protein on the side.  Tuna or Chicken.  I can't eat Tofu as I am allergic to soy. I have some chicken in the fridge.

I also bought two more bulk aisle tubs of dark chocolate covered almonds.  Not allergic to them!!!

Not much more to say.  Finished The Knife.  And Harry was at the airport getting on a plane.  Ready to disappear once again.  I often wonder why the police-of which he is a detective--never check to see if he's used his passport.  One of the loose threads that always annoy me.  Perhaps the next book will feature a new "hero" detective- Sung-min Larsen and his retired police dog Kasparov.  I wouldn't mind.

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