Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Daily Notes- July 16th

For the first time, in like forever, no picture.  I just don't have anything to show you today.  Perhaps tomorrow.

I spent more Time than I enjoyed bleaching a few items with my new product SoftScrub with bleach. It never quite did what I wanted and worse, I could not remove the smell of bleach from the cloth, no matter how many times I washed the cloth.  When I use just bleach, one wash with  Dawn and all the bleach smell is gone.  I don't like the smell of bleach.

So no new cloth was made.  No new strips of patches were made.  Nothing is going on in the sewing room or on the dining room table.  Nothing was cooked or baked.  No book was started. I tried to watch the news but...well, I have had enough.  Pence standing in a room full of caged men without toilets or showers.  This is not America.

G was outside weeding and pruning dead wood from some of the shrubbery.  He also set up a sprinkler for the peach trees.  They are dropping small fruit.  Holding on to the large fruit.  It must be a survival thing.  We thought the trees might be stressed due to heat and less rain than usual.  So, the sprinkler.

I gave some tips on orchid care in the comments section of yesterday's post if anyone is interested. I also mentioned that all the teddy bears now have bowties.

Riley has fallen back to sleep.  He's happiest when the sun is shining.  And when I am timely in the dispensing of the Amoxicillin. And when I am sitting in the desk chair (that squeaks) and reading and writing on the computer.  We go to the Vet tomorrow and she will most likely do another liver blood test.  See what the numbers are.  We are sort of just trying to make the dog as comfortable as possible--until we can't.  Evenings when G just won't come into the house until dusk--well, those evenings aren't happy ones.  Riley likes us all together.  Its safer that way in his mind.

I love watching Riley sleep.  Boneless and so peacefully content.  And he makes little happy sounds. In the days when he was young, he would run in his sleep and even woof. Recalling some great adventure.

An Edit:  I just finished watering the garden, gathering about a baker's dozen zucchini, washing out the bird bath and giving them fresh water a a few rocks to perch on, I watered and fertilized the orchids (thank you Anon for the push), and solving a running water issue--it ran all night so the water bill will pay for someone's college tuition.  The Plumber is coming later today to add a good shut off. and it's not even 1pm. And, here  in Maine, it's hot!!! and humid!!!!.  Thank goodness for AC.

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