Friday, June 21, 2019

Daily Notes- June 21st

I like the textures and roundness of this food mill.  It's Modern Art.

I did things to my class project.  Things I perhaps should not have done.  It's in isolation in the sewing room on the ironing board.  A "time out" for both of us.

Today my friend and I went out to lunch.  We discussed health issues and high school and college.  In our past lives and in the lives of children (now adults) that we know.  We disagreed.  But then we do that quite often.  The we visited the Goodwill south of us.  Affluent neighborhood so one expects "good stuff".  I did get something good--my friend found it --I did not.  An extremely large, long, wide white linen shent.  That's a shirt/tent piece of apparel.  It looks like a couple yards of good quality white linen to me plus a roll collar and short sleeves.  For $6.  Soft.  Organic feel to it.  Warm to the touch.  Nice.  I can see using it to make something else.

I bought some basil plants for my herb garden.  I have seeds planted but they may not grow in soil that is so wet from the rain.  Basil seedlings like dry soil conditions.  Wet makes them rot. I also purchased a new rosemary plant--after 3 years-the one I had tended decided to dry up and die.  Probably my fault.  It should have gone out on the back deck sooner.  Got rained on sooner.

So I bought lunch, the gigantic shent, two basil plants and a rosemary plant (for remembrance and marinades).  I also bought that thin sheet of "copper" they are selling on tv late at night that you put on your grill and it keeps things from "sticking".  Who knows--it might actually work.

While I was gone- my husband vacuumed the ENTIRE house.  Now that's True Love.  I brought him the lunch leftovers which he was very happy to eat as soon as I handed the box to him and I hadn't even known about the vacuuming.

1 comment:

  1. Well, lucky you, Mr Wednesday's child vacuuming the whole house : ). Gee, that never happens to me when I go out.
