Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Daily Notes- June 11th

My class project.  I have already changed the dark red scrap in the center to a green heart.  I did that while my computer and phone decided NOT to send photos to each other for a few hours.  I also changed the left side triangle by the circles to green also.  And smaller.   I have needle turned the edges of two of the prayer flags.  Two more to go.  And I needle turned the edges of the Walmart bleached black triangle down the center.  Internet problems really do get me into stitching. You see lots of white.  It's the backing fabric and will be covered or cut away as this project progresses.  Now that the phone is sending--I will take a new picture.

It is raining here.  Like it was in New York City yesterday when the helicopter crashed.  The front porch is covered in hungry mosquitos.  We are NOT going for the family walk.  Riley is trying to process this information.  Instead, we'll go on a family ride in the car.  I need to buy a new Swiffer stick that matches the boxes of Swiffer cleaning pads I own.  And a new bottle of Mop and Glow.  Which makes my wood floors so shiny.  But I do have to go over them with a towel after the Swiffer.

I added a "to do" list on a sticky note to my Morning Pages.  Sticky note because I can move it along on each day's pages until all the things on it are finished.  Today I washed the bedsheets.  They are in the dryer now.  And yesterday I planted all the herbs into the little rectangles I made a few years ago in the herb bed.  Lemon Verbena has replaced the lavender plants that died over the Winter.  I also purchased a new mint plant and transplanted two mint runners that had traveled to the sage rectangle. I added Borage to one empty rectangle. I was going to sprinkle more cilantro seeds today--but mosquitos.  And I have basil seeds to sprinkle as well.  Wish I had done it yesterday.  Each bed got half a bag of mushroom compost which had big fat worms in it.  The bags were sealed so they must have always been in there.  Kept growing while they sat in the garden all of last year.

Riley added a new tic to his phobias.  G turned on the ceiling fan two nights ago because it was warm in the tv room.  Where he and Riley sleep.  Now the fan has to ALWAYS be on.  I turned it off last night and....well, I turned it back on pretty darn fast.  We have it on really slow speed.  But he must be able to hear it running.  Vet appointment tomorrow.  G and I might have to take tranquilizers---

So.  I am working on my sewing--mostly needle turned edges right now.  I sew stuff on and then take it off.  It's interesting.  The cloth lets me know what it likes and doesn't like.  Just like Riley.  My cloth scraps seem to be enjoying being in the big laundry basket.  When I turn the scraps -something nice always comes to the top.   Scale says 12.5 pounds less.  It went up a pound for a few days and now its gone again.  That's the way it goes.  Off. Back for a few days. Gone. I'm okay with this very slow process-clothing feels comfortable.  Nothing is tight.

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