Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Daily Notes- April 10th

Wind was swirling thru Maine yesterday.  Along with snowfall.  Like Vincent's wind in this picture and others.  I think this one is named Fields with Cypress.  In my photo file it is called "antique".

Daughter and husband have gone out together to get new tires for her car.  Winter tires are in the back. Sometimes the tire place "forgets" to return the Winter tires.  Yesterday Chad Little came and picked up the lawn tractor and lawn mower for the annual tune ups.  The guy helped G pull the lawn mower from the shed through the snow to the driveway.

I have yet to find the five "ratty" items to get rid of from last week's Artist's Way.  Not that there are no ratty items.  Just choosing five.  And perhaps I did do it--I am reminded of dropping off things to Goodwill.  And seeing them on the shelves last Sunday.  And saying to myself "Oh, I have one of those".  Duh!!!!

In later editions of the Artist's Way, Julia included a daily 30 minute walk with no iPhone.  I had been thinking a daily walk would have been a good thing to be doing along with the three pages.  An internet comment on the Artist's Way included this ... "the morning pages aka three pages of lunatic ravings and the Artist Date which is more like--get out of the house for two hours!!!"  So true.

I made myself the most delicious toasted cheese sandwich yesterday for lunch.  I still have to cut food up into small squares to eat it, but I think that made the sandwich even more delicious.  I ate my small squares of sandwich while cutting pictures out of old magazines for my "image/lifestyle collage" which I am supposed to make this week.  I have to find some poster board or cardboard to paste all the images on.

I was going to pass on this assignment.  My journals, which you have seen small bits of here, are full of images I cut from magazines as is the wall across from the table where I was eating my sandwich squares.  So, I have been creating "image collages" for years and years and years.  And I wondered what would make this "new" one any different?  And what have these collages done for me???

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