Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The only image I had that was GREEN.  Winter creeper.  It's sold as an annual to "spill" over the sides of ornamental summer containers.  I find it has a zone number of 3 and overwinters in my garden beds here in Maine just fine.  Each year I add three more to the ones I have, using it as a ground cover that is pretty gorgeous with pink, blue or white flowers.  I love the lime green yellow combo.

I finished my huge Tombland book yesterday and then watched the ridiculous Crossword Mystery on Hallmark.  Local PBS is still "fundraising"--I think it's been three weeks.  PBS is my Sunday evening go-to. My husband has been playing word search games on his phone and the computer so I am left to entertain myself with Hallmark.

And it's a "good thing" I finished that huge book because week four in the Artist's Way is "no reading" week.  No reading anything- not even the Artist's Way book.  I am supposed to find other ways to spend the time I would use reading.  Find a new hobby (but not read how to do it), clean out a closet, cook (but I guess not read a recipe card) etc.  No reading.  Not reading the morning paper will be hard and I think-literally-reading blog posts is also going to be off limits.  Writing them?  I don't know since I am reading it as I write it.  I may have to take a leave of absence until next Monday.  Morning Pages are still on--as I have NEVER read any of the pages I have written.  The upside to this--I also will NOT be able to our taxes next week.

We drifted off to Goodwill today, sort of late--I returned two of the shirts I purchased on my day out with my daughter.  One didn't fit the way I like things to fit and the other just wasn't attractive on me.  Found a pair of cropped rosy pink linen LLBean pants in my size today.  Hardly worn.  Had the marks on the labels meaning they were from the Bean Employee Store, were older- not the new cheap linen Bean is using now. I checked to see if both legs were the same length.  That happens at Bean more than they will admit.  No white linen camp shirts.  I had asked the Universe for some.

So--don't get upset when I do not post this coming week.  I am not sick or anything like that.  I am just not "reading" and I'll be teaching a class tomorrow and then I might actually start some seeds for my garden, clean out a few closets, listen to some music and probably do some sewing.

Really, really happy to not have to do the taxes this coming week.  yippee.

I actually CAN write but I cannot read your comments or your blog posts etc.  But I can write. So, I will if it feels like I have something to say.  No television.  No one else's words.  No radio. No Movies.  Nothing.  A walk.  Handwashing dishes.  Going out for lunch.  Ironing.  Painting or Drawing.  Tomorrow I will be talking.  Sigh.  Teaching a Class.  Not reading my notes.


  1. I'll wait. And be very interested in how you experience that!

  2. Yikes, I'm just starting week three, which means I won't be able to read you this week because you're not writing, or next week, because I'm won't be reading! I won't be happy - but maybe that will help with "feeling angry" week.....

  3. I'll miss you if you don't write. But, like Grace said, I'll wait.

  4. What good can come of not reading? What are you supposed to gain?
