Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day Three

Well, Monday G was up with the dog at 4 am and last night I was up with the dog at 3 am.  Riley gets panicky and tries to crawl under the bed, skids on the floor, pants--wakes us both up......... if we take him out to the living room and settle him on the carpet and us on the couch--all's well.  For the dog.

Later in the afternoon, I closed my eyes while on the couch and wrote a little short story in my head--dialogue and all.  I had been trying to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep.

And the puzzle.  I stand and look at it and get nowhere and then in a tiny burst of something, five or six pieces get put together.  Three days into it-- I have three outside edges complete--happened today around 3 pm. That's when I went to the couch for the story writing nap.

It's actually quite pleasant not knowing anything about what's happening in the World.  I don't miss reading the newspaper as much as I imagined I would.  And, like farmers the world over--I am ready for bed as soon as the Sun goes down.

Whenever I am out in Town--I am having interesting conversations with people.  At the grocery the woman in line behind me told me a story about the teens working in her restaurant for the summer.  The cashier also shared her own story of summer employment.  I don't think that would have happened last week. The college student in the coffee shop shared the opinion that MacroEconomics isn't interesting. I learned you can attend a college lecture in a coffee shop with a laptop and headphones. I wished that had been the case in 1964.

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