Monday, March 11, 2019
Daily Notes- March 11th
I found this lovely wheel in with the blank journals on the book shelf a few days ago. You place the empty hole (lower right) over your fabric and see what colors "work". I did this with the strange fabric I had intuitively chosen for the Stormy Diamonds and was surprised that it "worked".
I always choose to doubt my color sense. Born with it-- so those kinds of things are hard to actually think about. When you have to work to develop something--like drawing eyes and a nose or a body correctly--then you actually know you have that talent. Some thing that just "exists" doesn't register at all. This color wheel belonged to my friend Gregor. It was in with her art supplies. I donated all but the color wheels.
I have a 7 day book that is due tomorrow and I haven't begun reading it yet-- That is what I plan for today. Yesterday's snowfall ended with rain--just after G finished snowplowing. So--ICE. So, no chance of walking around Town or anything like that. I could have done it yesterday but I got hooked on watching the Librarian Mysteries on Hallmark. The night before we watched the Avengers. Robots, Hulk, Captain America etc.
We're having a very slow start today. But early. I had a load of wash in the machine before 9am. I am thinking G and I will have leftovers today and cleanup the fridge. It's pretty full of assorted odds and ends. Lots of fruit. I really don't like eating cold fruit on cold days. But Winter is citrus fruit time.
Weird dream last night--yes, sigh, weird dreams are back. This one, I was in a car (as a passenger) but wanted to get out because my "stuff" or belongings were NOT in the car with me and I wanted to get out and go get them. Does this mean I'm in a Life that is not mine and want to get out and be with the things that are mine? Should have been what I wrote about on the pages this morning.
I am now into week three of the Morning Pages and I have two pages of "Tasks" to work on when I am not writing. First one is to describe in detail my childhood bedroom. We are also working with Synchronicity. I am supposed to put "something"--and idea or an actually thing--out there as something I want and wait and see if the Universe provides. The Author suggests a list of clothing items--so I am going to ask-right here and now for-- a new (used) cashmere sweater, shawl collar in a color that the Universe thinks I need to be wearing, three pairs of the black socks I love, a long loose linen tunic, And some really comfortable underwear.
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