Monday, February 25, 2019
Daily Notes- February 25th
The Old Walmart Black--bleached. I had no idea, at the Time, that I would never be able to make more of this. I bleached it, loved it, used it. This square is all I have left. I have purchased black cloth at many many places and all of it bleaches out rusty orange. And then I read a blog where the author bemoaned the loss of the "Walmart Black" and I sighed. I bought black cloth for the bulletin board at my husband's restaurant. At Walmart. In the early 1990's.
I do use the rusty orange bleached black. But that soft smudgy off white against the soft black is so perfect.
Today is going to be my first day to write three Morning Pages for the Artist's Way. I need to unblock myself. I have gotten into the habit of daily writing here on the blog but have to delete so much that I write here. Too personal, too negative, too whatever. Got to keep it all on the surface. So, Morning Pages. I read that even if I have nothing to say-I need to write- I have nothing to say on three full pages. I'm thinking I prefer typing to hand writing that many words so after I hit publish here I will move on to the typing part of this computer. The pages are not meant to be read. So after getting to three pages--I'll hit delete. Reminds me of the 10 or 12 full journals in the bookcase. But most of the pages are pictures from magazines or drawings of things I like or lists of the food I ate that day--the diet mania--so many pages of coffee/bran flakes/soy milk/salad/carrots/olive oil/vinegar/etc.
I just finished a book about five women addicted to buying very expensive shoes. I don't get it. I wear the same rubber gardening shoes (replacing only when they get holes in the soles) every single day of my life. Only the type of sock that I wear with them changes. Summer socks. Winter socks. I thought the book was ridiculous. But these five women are looking for love and happiness. I already have that.
I went up to the Attic and found my materials for the Seed Starting classes (two) that I teach this coming Saturday--March 2nd. One of my most favorite things to teach. I will need to stop by the greenhouse this week to drop off materials to be copied for the classes so need to get all that sorted out. As the years have rolled past--I have changed some of the seed starting methods I use. And there are always "first time" seed starters. Love their enthusiasm.
While looking for the Walmart Black up top--I stood in front of the small guest room closet and looked at the MESS that is my small downstairs fabric collection. Stuff on the floor etc. OMG. Looks like a small explosion happened in there. Because I do not have shelving. NEED SHELVING.
I am such a big fan of morning pages and I do write them on the computer. Keep them in a folder in a folder. I keep meaning to password protect that folder. I like to look back to past years to see what was on my mind then. Glad you're going to start on those morning pages.