Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Daily Notes- February 20th

Someone, I think it might have been Connie, asked about my paper journals.  I write all the Time--not just here.  I write on the desk calendar under the keyboard.  This page was from around  the Time of the California Fires.  I know this because of the jar with the red "flames".  Grace wrote of a woman who saved her fish before leaving her home. Not able to move a fish tank filled with water she scooped the fish into canning jars.  Would I have had the presence of mind to think that clearly? You?

The Super Moon last night was shining into the kitchen, though the skylight onto the counter top next to the sink.  So I got out the Tarot cards.  I pulled the Chariot, Death, and Knight of Wands.  All about CHANGE. Coming whether I want it or not and nothing will change that. Time to move, let it go, release everything old.  I had said something like that in a recent post.  That change was coming. I could feel it.  Well........ready or not.

I took pictures of pages in other journals for you in the coming days--unless something interesting happens in the fabric part of Life.  These more recent journals have less words and more drawings.

Today I am working on reading and making notes about backyard permaculture gardening as the wonder-filled book I have is due back at the library tomorrow.  I have shared some of this new knowledge with Grace for her land in California.  Perennial vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs that work as habitat for pollinators, nitrogen fixing root systems on plants etc. My list of things I need to look for when the garden centers open is getting long.  But most of all, I need to feed the soil.  Nitrogen fixing plants.  Top of the list.  Second is pollinator loving plants and herbs.  I have quite a few already but need to transplant them around the yard. I may order a copy of this book from the local bookstore run by a poet and the woman who shares his Life.

Chickens are another item that fits beautifully with permaculture as chickens are small manure factories using weeds as fuel but I do not like chickens or eggs.  Goats. Here in Maine--residential goats are not permitted (4 legs).  But you could possibly rent some for a day to clear brush.  We managed to clear our brush the old fashioned way--setting the riding mower blade as high as possible and riding over the stuff year after year until it just gave up the will to grow and we had the space for our fenced (deer) vegetable garden--years and years ago it seems.  Ancient History.

It was very cold last night and early morning with the full Moon.  Zero to one degree.  I think it warmed up this morning to 14 and now it's 25.  I had a glass of red wine before bed and slept better than usual.

No sewing today as I have more reading and note taking to do--but possibly not, if I buy the book. But note taking helps me to store the knowledge inside my brain.


  1. love looking at your page..and the tenderness of the drawing of the fish in
    the jar...i wonder how it all went for them, that woman, her fish....
    I follow a facebook page of survivors...3 months into it and things are
    still so difficult both for those who lost everything and those whose homes
    still stand but are not habitable. The land there....eeee. The Permaculture
    people around here and in Chico are organizing to work to restore the earth there.
    I'm watching self in these days, would like to participate in that effort but
    also need to Work here....can i do both? I don't know. I try to look honestly.
    and do so much love the list you mailed...things like the 9 star broccoli! The
    Tree Collards i got last year...they thrive. And ramps along the creek for sure.
    Everything on your list. Japanese knotweed. Just the names of them......
    So..thank you, so much, and i look forward to more of your pages

  2. Thanks for the glimpse at your pages - looking forward to more

  3. What info can you offer about fava beans for nitrogen restoration of the garden?
