Monday, November 26, 2018

Daily Notes- November Twenty Six

What I use each day.  All Clad.  Love the stuff.  Most came from the scratched and dented section of  TJ Maxx and Home Goods.  I don't mind.  Nothing stays "perfect" when in use daily. Photo from Bon which sends me photos and recipes a couple times a day.  Mostly for stuff I would never cook.

Grace mentions her favorite spoon and the good soup pot in her recent post.  She's back home.  The fire didn't burn her Hill.  It's like that for me, too.  Favorite tools and spoons and pots and pans.  Some are as old as my marriage.  Fifty years and still good to go. I've had several favorite cups for my tea--but they always get broken (eventually) and then I search for a new cup at Goodwill.  I should make a memory drawing of each of them.  One with a red flower.  One with a dog in a Santa Hat.  Right now it's a French print- The secrets of Pistoulet.  Whatever that means.

I still haven't stitched the last nine pockets to the felt Advent Calendar.  Today.  But first, find the pin cushion with the right needle.  Also I cut a rectangle of batting and stitched washed and dried used tea bag papers to it.  Plus a stitched pair of squares.  Orphans from a project.  Something for me to do some hand sewing.  I am hopeful that I won't mess up this one.

I pulled a card from the jar yesterday.  "Let Go".   I practiced "letting go" as things came into my mind during the day.  I was surprised that I was hanging on to so many things from the past.  Today's word is "choose".

Homemade pizza and football yesterday followed by two Hallmark Christmas Movies.  Is it just me, or are the football injuries more gruesome this season?  I have my own injury today--caught my finger between two tight places.  It doesn't hurt but it sure did bleed.  I'm on my second bandaid.

The three 48" round wreaths are up on the porch.  And G finally found the remote power thingy so we can turn the lights off and on from inside the house.  And we got our first "thank you" email from one of the neighbors and her grandson.  The wreaths are one of his favorite things.  We haven't even thought about looking for a tree yet.  I remember saying I wanted to put ours up earlier this year.  But the weather has been awful here.

It snowed and then rained.  Then got really cold so the drive and walks were ice covered and slippery.  Now it's supposed to rain during the day and freeze overnight for a few days.  We still have some white snow but the sky is cloudy and dark.  House lights are on all day.


  1. I looked and found my tea mug on for $29.99. I got mine at Goodwill for one or two dollars. It's a "latte mug"

  2. I need a new set of frying pans. The two I have are toxic. Any suggestions?

  3. I recommended the new ceramic pans to Deb. Some are expensive and some are cheap--move toward the center. The food slides around in the pan, nothing sticks, browns nicely and is clean with just a wipe. No scrubbing. Ours was a Christmas gift to me last year.

  4. I wish I had a drawing of the cup with the red flower. I DEEPLY loved that cup. It felt just right in my hand. Weighed the right amount. Held just enough tea. Even in pieces-- A drawing..
