Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Daily Notes- November Fourteen, Again

G and decided to drive into Town--to buy a few items for Thanksgiving next week.

As we drove down Maine Street we saw a dog race into the road, traffic, cars.  A Pit Bull.  Across the street a very old woman and her dog, Rebel, on a leash.  The Pit Bull was aiming for her dog.

We had Riley in the car, but we also had a leash for the Pit Bull.

We managed to turn around (in a circle) in traffic and return to the woman.  By now completely panicked and screaming.  The Pit Bull had attacked twice in the time it took for us to turn and she worried it would come back.

No one else stopped.

I got out of the car and we told the woman to get in the front seat with her dog. Riley wouldn't appreciate strange company in the backseat, but I was okay. We then drove her to her car. She was grateful but we still worried about her emotional state.  G kept asking how she was, if she was able to calm down.  He kept telling her she was okay now.

Whew.  Just a drive into Town for groceries.


  1. Wow, what a frightening incident, that poor woman! So glad you folks were able to help.

  2. Horrific. I'm thankful you and G were there to help her. What's wrong with people that nobody else did?
