Saturday, September 22, 2018

Daily Notes- September 22

Vincent.  No one does it better.  Looks like muscari bulbs under the trees and a few red tulips.

I am here, directly from work teaching Bulb Planting, with the odor of eucalyptus on my hands.  None grows here so I asked our floral department to order me a bunch.  Twelve dollars with my discount.  Many, many pieces of cloth will be eco printed.

My favorite soccer playing associate employee has joined the Navy.  He'll be gone before I return on October 22 for the last class I teach.  He'll do Navy training and then hopefully be able to try for the SEALS.  He has given up on the FBI.  I always call him My FBI Man.  I told him, if he comes to work--at any time in the Future--in his uniform--I want them to call me so I can come in and see him.  Of course, I didn't mention that I would cry all over him.  Best I keep that to myself.

Another employee--I have a real soft spot for these sincere, hardworking kids--joined the Air Force--as the only way to go to college.  We were eating lunch one day and he walked toward the lunchroom in his full uniform  and (I was told) my face broke out in the biggest smile and I ran to hug him. So handsome. So proud to have done this to make a Future for himself.  No mother.  Father an alcoholic.

And they told me only 4 signed up for the Bulb class.  But I had more copies made and I had a full house--all seats taken.  A good class.  And at the end--I tell them they can ask me anything--not just Bulbs. So we got into composting, brown tail moths, Japanese beetles.......... it was good.

I am tired, my voice is shredded and I need a shower.  But, it felt good to be out in public and it felt even better to go home early when I was done. I even found a few good sized boxes (in the warehouse) for sending things to people during the Holidays.

Well, I'm going to take a nice, long, hot shower.


  1. Your blog just made me happy today. I like knowing that someone out there appreciates all the hard working kids who have to tough it out to make a go of life.

  2. Life is hard and it's always a joy to see good things happening.
