Thursday, September 13, 2018

Daily Notes- September 13

I lose track of the images.  Have I used this one?  

My grandmother loved her bird Butchie.
Butchie Raz-Banni-Kafoochie.  Which has little to do with the cats.  Though they seem to be looking up...perhaps for Butchie?

I made both soups yesterday.  The sink and counter tops awash in tomato juices.  Both are delicious.
I watched some Hallmark.  A city girl inherits a farm.  Stiletto heels meet horse poop.

Today I cut, layered, marked and then stitched two 12 inch squares of fabric and ended up with 18 half square triangles and then did it again.  Thirty six half square triangles. Connie--I made quite a few mistakes.  But that's how I learn.  It was very fast.

I am reminded of half square triangles on the design wall at that "odd" quilt shop in Town.  I bet they made them this way.  So, when I am in the Attic again, I'll collect some of the Kaffe Fasset prints and the pale grey and white print (I bought that looked like what the student's had used) and make some triangles. Excuse any misspelling.  I got rid of all his books a month or so ago.  Not relevant. So can't check the spelling. I kept the fabric which I still adore.

Along with clearing out the fabric shelves--I am clearing out the quilting books.  My library doesn't want them so they go to Goodwill.  I don't think any of them are relevant to today's quilters. I'm keeping the ones dealing with hand appliqué. Baltimore Appliqué.

The sun is shining in the backyard.  Everything looks fresh and very pretty.  Tall yellow flowers are all over in the perennial beds.  I think they have tubers.  Sunchokes.  Farty-chokes.  We dug them out about 10 years ago--four or five wheelbarrows full.  Now they are back.  They seem to know we are too old now to dig them up again.

A blogger who stopped blogging suddenly a year or more ago--posted.  She's in therapy. It was good to read her words again.  I had hesitated to delete the blog from my blogroll.  I kept hoping she would return.  Many others felt the same way.  She's finding her way.  A good thing.


  1. If traffic permits, I'll get a picture of a yard completely overrun with those flowers. It's so nice to see crazed color this time of year.
