Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Happiness-- Would Be Getting My Hollyhocks Planted

I started some Heritage Hollyhocks back--awhile ago-- and they are ready to go into the garden beds...but it's too hot and humid out there.  And this is a picture from my file--nothing new. The photos do show up--- like 12 hours after I press send.  But by the time the first picture arrived--I had done more stitching.  So, needed a fresh photo.  I can see this being a "thing" of the photo being old news by the time it arrives.

I went to the grocery just awhile ago (and to return books to the library) and Gosh...it's so hot and humid out there.  Like walking around inside a hot pillow.  The grocery store was packed. And one gal decided she was next in line at the deli counter--without a ticket-- the nerve of some people.

I didn't get any books at the library.

G had an email regarding his email account and instead of clicking "okay" he called Comcast.  All they said was "thank God you didn't press"okay""  They checked the security of our account and he still has email and we're buttoned up tight.  Phishing.  Deadly.

World Cup Soccer--missed the morning game but will watch the afternoon matchup.

Riley is not having trouble breathing right now but tomorrow night will be terrible.  The fireworks. He'll panic and hyperventilate and things will be intense.  The Vet gave us something for extreme panic....just incase.

I don't think I will post tomorrow--so Happy Fourth To Everyone.