Thursday, July 26, 2018

Daily Notes- July 26th- Stormy Weather

Big Storm photo via Colin Lacativa

We were promised something like this but it's the weather man and we all know they.....lie?  Well, they embellish to get viewers to freak out.

The house lights are on again.  The tree cutting crew is back next door.  Room for an in ground pool?
Three other homes on the street have in found pools.  All we'd have to do is dig a hole.  We are that close to water level.  Which is why we don't have a basement.

My experiments with plant based dyeing came out better than expected.  The onion skins are the best. Ironed the cloth and it is wonder-filled.  The purple smoke leaves and flowers--very faint and dainty-atmospheric.   The rhubarb--just pink.  The red maple-just pink beige.  And something dyed an acid yellow which I think I will be very fond of as I start using it.  Dandelion?

If it doesn't rain--I will take my pre school painting drop cloth out and paint some fabric in my favorite blues, pinks and perhaps go to the dark side with grey.

Yesterday I "wonky" machine stitched 2.5 inch squares together.  Some squares were hand cut which makes them less than accurate.  Seams are off center.  I love it.  Spent so much time ironing it.  I love ironing patchwork.  Lots of the squares were my hand painted cloth.  And commercial hand dyed. 8 squares by 8 squares.  So approximately 16 by 16.  I am thinking of hand quilting it.  Too small to use as a quilt but a good size to be considered Art in a Frame.

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