Monday, July 16, 2018

Daily Notes- July 16th

This photo of blueberries will be the only blueberries I have.  The  bushes were loaded with berries and this morning when I went out to pick---nothing.  The birds came and ate them all.  All.  As in there is nothing left.  I feel like crying.

I have a favorite blueberry cake I like to make.  The batter includes sour cream.

I don't know if I can even finish this post--too many tears.

But, as I tell my gardening classes, gardening isn't for sissies.


  1. We usually hang a cloth on the fence behind the berry bushes--for some reason it keeps the birds from landing.
    We forgot. And there were so many.

  2. oh....good to read that it was because you forgot to flag your Claim. Ok then.
    but...sad for you...

  3. So disappointing. But, after a while, dry your tears. Go to the store and get sour cream and blueberries. The cake won't be as good as the one with your berries, and the satisfaction will be different, but you WILL have cake.

  4. Yes, it was very sad this morning but now I have come to an "understanding". The chipmunks ate all the strawberries this year because I refuse to put out bird netting--the animals get caught in it--G was bitten by one trapped chipmunk last year as he tried to free him. So--after the berries were done--we pulled the plants and composted them. Enough of that.

  5. Aww, Joanne, so sorry about the blueberries, and all the lost produce to the wild animals. I'd be very upset too!
