Saturday, June 30, 2018

UnHappiness Is....Not being Able to Send Pictures To The Blog

Something has happened.  G doesn't know what.  I certainly haven't a clue.  But our phones can't get or send emails.  The Mac here on the desk is still working after yesterday's marathon search for passwords.  Correct and Incorrect.

We are bewildered.  Need a teenager to come fix it all.  Don't have one.

I went to the grocery again.  More beef tip cuts to marinate for kabobs on the grill.  G liked the marinade recipe I got off the internet.  It is tasty.   I also found a large (over 4 pounds) of 80% ground beef at $2.50 off and hurried home to mix the meat into meatballs.  Baked them on a sheet pan @375 for an hour and then into the Le Creuset with two big cans of Trader's Joe's low fat marinara for 2 hours.   When they cool I'll parcel them out into freezer bags of 12.  Nice to have when the cupboard is empty.

The World Cup Soccer was good today.  Not sure if there will be any tomorrow-- it will be a surprise.

We had quite a heavy and sudden thunderstorm yesterday afternoon.  The thunder rolled in.  And then the sky opened.  Tons of water.  Then--poof---sunshine.  This morning we woke to heat and like 100% humidity.  Ick!!!

The tomato plant that looked like a goner a few days ago---the stem got bent in the wind--- and the next day the top of the plant was very wilted.  I didn't have time to pull the plant out--which turned out to have been fortunate as this morning the entire plant was standing tall and looking quite healthy. It's a #6 tomato from my friend Allie.  If I find the tomato chart she printed--I'll know what kind it is. Or I can wait and be surprised.  I think it's a Snow White because I have 2 #6's.  I also have a #5 and a #9.  One is a Cherokee Purple and the other is a Rose Something.  Allie grows amazing tomatoes. I am hired to water them if Allie goes off on adventures.

I do have the miracle recovery tomato tied securely to a nice stick now.  No more bending.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your internet and e-mail woes are fixed and running properly, good luck with that!
