Saturday, May 26, 2018


From ArtPropelled

The bead I found in that little bag of beads at Goodwill is this shape. The ONLY bead in the bag with a symbol. The REASON I felt compelled to buy that little bag of beads. Spiral?  Infinity? Let me know.  I see it too frequently for it to be random.  It's a message. I need to know what it means.

Editing:  I Googled spiral and it all makes sense now.  I have been devoted (lately) to watching all things having to do with space (lots of spirals in the galaxies), Fibonacci (nature and plants),  Journey and Change.  Universe. Evolution. New Beginnings. Creation.  Life Unfolding.


My haircut looked too short while it was being cut--now, here at home, it looks perfect.

Yesterday Maine opened for business.  The Summer People are arriving.  The private college in Town is having graduation and the parents are arriving from various foreign countries (like New York). Later in the week Goodwill trailers will be positioned on campus to haul away all the stuff "rich" kids do not take back home with them.  It used to go into a big sale here in Town.  Not anymore.

With Summer comes Traffic.  Long lines of cars with "out of state" tags.  We will not be able to eat in local restaurants until September.  We will have to leave home 30 minutes before our usual time so we can sit in stalled traffic.  We live in a central local of "Vacationland".   A "drive-thru" city.

Yesterday we had sun and high temps.  Today we have high humidity and soft rain.  I have no complaints.  My wagon of seedlings is enjoying the soft rain.  The Rhodies are opening their blossoms.  The creeping phlox is still very pretty.  Lilies of the Valley are sweetly flowering.  My crab trees are in full flower.  The lilacs perfume the air.  This--right now-- is my favorite time of year.

Wu Peng's first ever blossom is opening.  Slowly.  Like an exotic dancer slowly revealing what she has hidden.  Each morning, a little bit more. Mesmerizing.

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