Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nothing Like This In Maine

Spring isn't even trying anymore here in Maine.  The days have some warm spots but more likely it's cold. I have had to bring plants into the house (the entry hall) so they don't freeze or get frosted overnight.  Mostly get frosted at 45 degrees.

I get too warm when I wear corduroy and long sleeves.  I get cold wearing cotton and no socks.

Hard to know what to plan for supper as it seems like a great time to grill something but we've been more likely to want a bowl of hot soup.  I had to be reminded that Memorial Day was coming up--like next weekend.   The grocery flier had lobster, steak and fresh corn on the cob for sale.  Cooked on the grill while wearing a coat, hat and mittens.

Today is Goodwill Dollar Day so that will be the highpoint of the day.

Then the couch and the down lap coverlet and a book.  Hot tea.  And more hot tea.  I ate the last bowl of vegetable soup yesterday. I don't want to make more soup so I think I will have hot cereal instead.  Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. Or splurge and have a bowl of macaroni and cheese.  Kraft, extra soupy.  Another Random Thing. I like my Kraft Mac and Cheese really soupy with extra milk.

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