Saturday, March 17, 2018

Year Of This Dog Going Forward

Anna Noel on Art Propelled

This year......I intend to be more authentic.  True to my own self. Not see myself as others saw me.

It's a Road I always intended to travel but made so many excuses not to take.  Not to move forward.
To always be looking backward for the missed opportunities.  Not forward.  Always back.

My parents forced me to find a job at 15.  To babysit.  Taking care of someone's small children, sleeping on the couch till the early morning for 50 cents an hour.  Then at 16 to take long bus rides to the shopping center and work until 9 pm and still do well in school the next morning.  I had no value other than the work I could do for money.

Today was my last day at work for money.  Forever, I am hoping.  Now, I will work for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, I hope you stick with that thought.Time for Joanne!
