Monday, March 19, 2018

Winter Birds

Dominique Fortin-Art Propelled

Few if any birds flying today.  It's 12 degrees and sunshine.  And windy.

My cauliflower soup wasn't very good.  So I threw it and the recipe card away after G and I both had a bowl.  We didn't get terrible tummy trouble but I thought we might.

My One Dollar Goodwill Sunday netted me two Pendleton 100% wool skirts (to wear or to machine wash and use in fabric pieces) in lovely- found in Nature shades-- of green and brown.  I also got a puzzle by Vincent van Gogh-  farms and hayfields and blue skies.  $2.  1000 pieces to add cheer to Winter white days. Oh, and a lovely loose peasant-like blouse in a grey blue to wear when I get tired of all the white linen shirts this summer.

Our Dairy Queen opened.

Today is Library Day. G needs new books and I have some to return and pick up. And I just now got a call that my "for reading only" glasses are ready to be picked up.  Sparkle, sparkle.

Today is day three of my new eating plan.  Eat Food.  Not too Much.  Mostly Plants.  Michael Pollen.
In addition I have been doing most of my eating in the early part of the day and none at all past 5 or 6 pm.  Feels pretty natural.  I am making another soup today---one I know I like.  Full of vegetables.

I am working on three fabric pieces right now.  Two are looking promising.  The third is the one made up of the 2 inch squares.  I pieced the top and bottom "new additional strips" yesterday while watching television.  Now I have to stitch together the sides.  Then decide where I am going as this was intended to be a "base" for additions and stitchery.

I finally have the right fabrics and materials.

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