Friday, March 23, 2018


From Art Propelled.

There is a book somewhere in this house.  With little bits of things glued to other little bits of things.  Like this.  The image reminded me of my past.  Whenever I find those books...... I look and wonder who made them.  Was it me?  Really?  Why did I stop?

I am like an artistic version of a snake.  Shedding my skin.  Starting over.  Re-inventing myself.

I may just go backward again.  Stop trying forward.  Backward has so many things to offer.  And isn't that what happens as we grow older?  We look back.  But, of course, we can never actually go back.

It happens when I re-read my posts here.  Who is this Joanne from 10 years ago?  What happened to her?  Life happened, I guess.

The gardening and the greenhouse work sapped my energy.  I was too tired to do much of anything after taking a shower.  Well, now I have the Time, let's hope I have the Energy.

Today, I have way too many onion skins saved-so I will steam dye more yellow cloth.  And the used tea bags as well.  Tea stained  dirty beige cloth perhaps with some rusted items.  Circles.  Deb has sent me blue cloth.  I am so thankful to have found her.  Not just for the blue cloth but for the words she writes.  And then there is Grace.  And Jude.  And Connie.  And Gretchen.  And Sandra.

Enjoy the day.

1 comment:

  1. If you have too many onion skins, you can dye some Easter eggs next week. My mother loved the eggs dyed that way. But we were kids - we wanted the dye from the little tablets.
