Thursday, March 29, 2018

Coming Soon To My Back Yard

Hyacinths.  I have planted quite a few over the years near the outlet pipe for the septic system.  The warm water from showers and dish washing thaws  the soil in this area so it's where things bloom first.  There are crocus leaves coming also.  A few tips of daffodils--- the small petite ones.  Tete-tete. I can see brown dirt.

Sigh.  It begins.

The water in the birdbath is liquid instead of frozen.  Birds are everywhere.  The moon is almost full. when I switched off the lights and climbed into bed, I looked back to the western window and could see the moonlight trying to get in.  The Moon.

I am planning to get the iron plugged in and press flat the squares I have been hand sewing.  See if they look better or need some un-sewing and then re-sewing in order to be ORDERLY.  The compulsive need to create order.  Even if it's not an order seen in natural things.

The need to organize and be orderly is so strange in a personality that has never been able to follow any sort of "rules".  But it is who I am.  Do you all remember when there was an art quilt group here in Maine called the Renegades?  And I so wanted to be member ?  That was so long ago.  And, no, even after I met them, they never asked me to join.

I am going to try for a sixth day of not watching news on television.  And this might even be day  seven.  Since--now that I am "retired" I have lost track of what day it is.  I need to look to the top of this screen to see it's Thursday, March 29th.  I have no appointments.

I was asked if my retirement was made willfully or by force.  Those words.  They still perplex me.

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