Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pictures From My Life- February 20

Thinking about Spring.

I have been looking for a particular piece of fabric--one of my favorites and couldn't find even a tiny scrap which seemed odd.  Then I walked past the very large quilt hanging on the living room wall and--well, there it is.  The background.  I must have used all of whatever I had to make this piece.  Which is lovely.  But on a wall I don't view very often.  I made it just before leaving for Ohio and the death of my father.  I also had a one woman quilt show opening that weekend.  I missed it. 

Still having issues with my eyes.  Now it's allergies and itching.  And I often forget and rub my eye and that's it for the day.  Feels like I have sharp particles in there.  I use my drops and I rest my eyes and try to think positive thoughts.  Mostly I wish I was a "napper" and could just be sleeping.

G wants to drive to Portland.  I do not.

I want to go to the library.  But I have wanted to do that for several days now.  I guess we are in that "period" of Winter when things are no longer interesting or fun.  We are just wanting to be outdoors doing fresh new stuff.  We want it to be Spring.

I had to go back into the Attic--I am starting to get really tired of it---to find the fabric bag that goes with the circles.  I can't explain it any better than that.  I started making what I called the French Quilt with squares of French type fabric and then appliquéing a circle of another fabric on top of each square--a very long time ago.  At least 10 years.  I have a pile of finished squares (they have circles on them) another pile of squares with "potential" partner circles and then just a pile of squares.  I also have freezer paper circles.  I iron the freezer paper circles to some of the squares....etc. etc.

Spellcheck keeps changing the word circle to castle.  Or am I typing castle?

I was thinking sewing circles onto squares would be easier and more enchanting than doing reverse appliqué on the Chinese cat squiggles.

I could possibly make pot roast today.  Or not.  I think it's more like a Kraft Mac and Cheese Day. Dark, raining, dark, dreary.......  The tiny ray of sunshine in the days is that the cuttings (from a customer's repot) of kalanchoe are starting to flower.  One pot has pink flowers and the second has orange flowers.  I am finding this fascinating as I had no idea there were several different colors in the customer's very large overgrown plant.  She asked me to cut it all back and then start some in another pot but I could have any leftovers.  I made myself two 6 inch wide pots of tiny cuttings and they have just been doing nothing for months.  Getting a bit taller in January (must have made roots) and now flowers are beginning.  Now what are the chances that in a large pile of cuttings--I got all pink in one pot and all orange in the other.  Statistics, anyone?  

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