Saturday, January 13, 2018

Winter Returns & My Diet Changes

Andrew Wyeth from ArtPropelled

Wyeth's watercolors are very mystical.  There is hardly any paint there but it looks like so much more.  The private college near my home has a Wyeth.  I go to look close and then stand back and look again.  Nothing.  Something.

The weather forecasters say ICE is coming.  Warning us to stay home.

I went out grocery shopping.  Streets are just wet--right now.  Temps this morning in the fifties-- now 30's.  I needed FOOD.  I have been eating the WRONG things and am tired of always being hungry. I bought meat.  Chicken and sausage & ground beef for meatballs.  The sausage so I can have (really crispy) sausage, onion, kale and egg frittata for breakfast or lunch.  The only way I can eat sausage.  The chicken on the bone will be slowly simmered.  And the broth eaten with vegetables and rice noodles.  The chicken shredded and eaten with green curry and coconut milk (maybe).  The only other way I will eat chicken is with lots of mayo and honey.  But I will try not to do that.  But it will probably happen. I really like it. Doesn't taste like chicken.

I generally refuse to eat meat.  Not for vegetarian or vegan reasons.  I just don't like it.  I do like the crusty browned bits of it that stick to the pan.  I will eat crusty brown meat.  Dry and crunchy.

The food word that makes my stomach turn is "Juicy" when it describes meat or poultry.

I've already had some frittata.  It was good.

I picked up a lot of weight during the renovation due to stress and the daily ice cream G and I used to medicate ourselves during the worst parts of the work here.  I mean, it was worth it, but it was really awful.  Took it's toll.   And now I want "myself" back and that means going back to the way I am supposed to eat.  Not the way I want to eat.  It isn't going to be any fun.

1 comment:

  1. One of my goals for the year is to go to the grocery store with real lists. Not just picking up stuff. Sounds like you are doing the same. I have also been paying attention - two of the questions on the wellness evaluation are how many servings or whole grains and how many servings of fruits/veggies do you eat. I've been paying attention . . . and I overestimated.
