Sunday, January 28, 2018

Pictures From My Life- January 28

I drew these little pines for Christmas in 2014.  Seems right to see it here--with winter still close and Valentine's Day nearby.

I am "finding" parts of my past up in the attic boxes.  I go looking for a certain color or certain fabric and--before--always looked in the same two or three storage tubs.  Lately, I have been looking in the other tubs.  And "finding".  I think I am finding myself.  The self I have forgotten.

Finding forgotten projects.  Unfinished things.  Fabric.  And perhaps dreams and desires.  Finding that I miss the making of art with paper, pencils and inks. Finding that I am interested in finishing these things that have been lost for so many years.  Baltimore appliqué.  Embroidered silk.  Painted cloth (that I painted).  Reverse Appliqué. Strange and odd patchwork made of such outrageous choice of fabric and colors.

I was so much more interesting years and years ago.  What happened to me??????

Today I am doing laundry.  Two loads.  One dark, one light.  G and I are also going to a lecture on Soil Management for our gardens.  And it's Dollar Day @ Goodwill.

Temps today are in the 40's (like yesterday) but there is no sunshine to warm and melt the ice.  The day is colored only with black, grey of all kinds and white.  Usually (always) I love white.  But here in January it is difficult to gather any enthusiasm for white.  But January is almost gone and February with it's red Valentine's will certainly make me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Just finished writing in my journal yesterday that one of my goals for the year will be to finish projects started and abandoned. Sounds like me have similar goals.
