Friday, January 26, 2018

Pictures From My Life- Day Two

Riley.  We start each day by "going to get the paper" together.  Here he is at the end of the hallway to the bedrooms.  Ready to go.  First his collar.  Then my boots and coat.  Then out the front door (over to the left) and down the driveway--well, I go down the driveway.  Riley goes the other way to do "important business" which involves rolling on the grass or snow or ice plus other stuff.

I don't know what a day would be like without Riley.

He's a good companion.  Bossy.  Opinionated (things must go his way).  Has an unbelievably accurate inner clock and knows exactly (give or take 5 minutes) when it's breakfast time (6:30 am) lunchtime (noon) and dinnertime (5pm on the dot).  He also alerts us to bedtime at 10pm.  Exactly.
To him bedtime means he goes out to do "business" and then gets his pill.  The big blue one that keeps his liver going.

He gets the same amount of food he would get if he ate one meal a day.  We just divide it into three portions.  Science diet low fat.

He also gets a one mile walk each and every day after eating lunch-- still walking strong at nearly 11 years of age.  His birthday is April 4th.  That would be 77 in people years.  I don't know if I will be able to walk a mile or race after squirrels when I am his age.

I read on Food52 that bananas are an "endangered fruit" due to a disease that is killing the bananas that are most popular.  I was thankful that I was able to have a nice banana with my breakfast this morning.

I have little squares to sew together on the sewing machine.  Some sweeping to do--one of my citrus plants has spider mites and is dropping all it's leaves.  I also will water the plants in front of the French doors.  I am 25% into my new book.  And I should be thinking about making something for dinner tonight.

Getting my haircut this afternoon.  The sun is shining.  Twenty-one degrees.

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