Monday, January 08, 2018

Monday, Monday

And have plans for this frigid Monday.  Yesterday I purchased three one dollar each blouses from Goodwill.  Today I will begin "Daily Art".   A pile of scrap cottons and a basket of many colors of thread and needle.  Scissors.  Just to cut things into shapes. I haven't decide if there will be layers or even batting.  We'll see.  I am fighting against batting.  And pieces cut with ruler and rotary blade. My Virgo tendencies.....  on the table as well--a square of many perfectly sewn blocks and very oddly shaped bits of borders.  I was well and truly not "following rules" when I made it.  Now it needs quilting. Or framing.  As it looks like art to me.

I also purchased a soft turquoise linen shirt for $6.  Short sleeved with a collar that can stand up.  J.Jill. Looking FORWARD to warmer weather and many chances to wear my southern ocean shirt.

I left behind a size "very" small white linen vest--heavily embroidered. I may need to reconsider.

Tired Eyes be damned--I am reading a book (with rest periods)  The Girl In The Ice.  A cold book for a cold week.  Lotte and Soren Hammer.  Danish. I am forewarned of what happens--this is why I try and read in order.  But I read book four and this is two books behind that.  Poor Pauline.

I added a Cara Cara navel orange to my breakfast.  Cold but very juicy and full of vitamins.  I also purchased a loaf of English Toasting Bread to make into bread and butter sandwiches or Grilled Cheese.  Things that go well with SOUP.  The pulled pork and Pierogi are merely memories now.

And, of course, I need to get the big box down from the attic and undress the Christmas Tree.  Which still looks very nice.  Not dropping any needles.  The house will look so drab without it's shine and sparkle.

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