Sunday, October 02, 2016

Thinking About Making A Rhubarb Custard Pie

Nice and old fashioned.  And I do enjoy making and rolling out a good pie crust.  I have quite a bit of sliced rhubarb in the porch freezer.  I'm going to get up and take 4 cups of frozen rhubarb out of the freezer--right now--and then come back and tell you about my day yesterday.

Okey dokey.  I had forgotten how good the rhubarb was this year.  Nice and red.  Going to be a wonderful pie.

Yesterday at work, I taught Bulb Planting twice.  I only expected to teach in the morning.  But a bunch of people showed up for the 2 pm "class".  I tried very hard to stay within the one hour timeframe.  But they kept asking questions.  So, we went over in both classes.

Midpoint a woman who had stopped by at the 10by10 Art Sale on Friday to say she was "coming to see me tomorrow at work" stopped in.  Last year I had pruned and sprayed and tried with all my might to save a sickly Hibiscus that was a favorite of her recently deceased husband.  Customers come to me with more than just plants.  Sometimes it weighs heavily on me.  Emotionally.

Well, she did come to the store and asked me to come out to the car to "see" the plant.  Trepidation.  My goodness--I was nervous.  And then we opened the car door and this gloriously leafed out, healthy, Hibiscus greeted me.  I was so happy I teared up.  So did she.  We hugged.  It was just about the nicest thing to happen to me in a long time.  There have been so many "nice" things happening since I came back to work.  I am truly grateful.

My two entries into that 10by10 sale on Friday?  They both sold.  I was gobsmacked with surprise and joy.  All at the same time.  Truly grateful.

Life is good right now.  I wish my eyes would stop watering--but that's small beans as a co-worker often says.  Now--on to the pie crust and the pie.  And the Patriots game at 1 pm.

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