Saturday, July 02, 2016

Day Eight- Feeling Better

I woke up feeling much better.  The steamed brown rice and broccoli calmed everything down.  I slept well.  Today I am testing: Bread.  Specifically, plain old sliced white bread.  The plain white that I like best (and why not test the bread I like?) is called English Toasting Bread at my grocery.  It's sold in the bakery section.  I had the heel of the half loaf I purchased, toasted and covered in butter. Butter is good.

The weight I gained overnight between day 6 and 7 disappeared this morning along with an additional pound.  So, for the 7 days of the diet (including one weigh gain from reaction) is 5.5 pounds.  Not bad.  What I like the best is that my ankles (cankles) aren't as swollen.  And my fingers don't feel "tight". It's only 5.5 pounds but my clothing fits so differently and I feel so different--light. And added to the 20 pounds I have struggled to lose over the one hundred and 20 days I was eating between 1200 and 1800 calories a day--well, it feels good.

We have Blueberries up top because I caved at the grocery this morning and purchased New Jersey berries which are on sale this week.  These berries are nothing like Maine berries, but, well, shoot me, I love the NJ ones.  Big fat and so juicy and delicious.  I am going back to buy many more cartons of them. It will be a few weeks until my berries are ready--the bushes are full.  So it will be a good harvest.

On the diet plan I am supposed to be eating a cup of blueberries every morning.  I haven't been. Because I didn't think I would like eating them.  I know.  My thinking defies logic.  I must have been thinking about fruits I enjoy eating on my daily (in the past) yogurt.  Never to extremely seldom did I add blueberries to my yogurt bowl.  Peaches, raspberries, cherries, grapefruit, mango, pineapple--yes.  Even rhubarb.  Blueberries--not so much.

I did some internet investigation, and eating as much whole flax seed as I am eating can also cause indigestion.  This morning I found my bowl of flax less "delicious" which is also the way the body lets you know it doesn't like something you are eating.  Which is why I am testing toast today.  Change up the breakfast choices.  I would consider oatmeal but oatmeal is extremely reactive. And I don't even want to know how bad the Bran Flakes might be for me.  Soy milk is in the 90% range.
 I was just eating so many potential food triggers.  No wonder I could never lose any weight.


  1. I checked in at your blog today, and I was interested in your journey through "The Plan". I have been struggling for the past three years to lose 20 pounds. Like you, I can gain two pounds a day sometimes, it's so frustrating. The sluggishness is there for me too, plus I think the frequency of my hot flashes is caused by some of my food choices. The only time I have had weight loss success, is when I tried a different elimination diet. The problem for me was that program didn't have any plan for how to reincorporate "normal" foods, and I went back to my way of eating. I ordered the book, it should be here Tuesday, I'm eager to see how it works for me.

  2. Do you have WHITE blueberries? I've never seen anything like those in your top picture.
