Sunday, May 04, 2014

Simply -- Simple

Yes.  This is the bath I want.  Bead board.  White. Windows.  A few rolled towels.  Window open. Flowers.  A shower with glass doors.  Have I showed you this picture before?  I guess I picked this picture because after a cold day at work--my hot shower was a real "highpoint".

I've had a week.  Tired.  My knee is still stiff.  Doesn't hurt.  Sort of achy.

Today--the 4th of May we had a hail storm.  Dark skies.  Stormy.  Cold, cold wind.  Then the sky opened and the plants outside (at work) took a beating.  Yes, small rocks of ice.  In May.  Will the Winter of 2013 ever end?

Customers are coming in with worries over their shrubs (winter damages) and we are telling them to "wait and see" if the plants can pull through in the next few weeks.  I am thankful the ones in my yard are doing pretty good.  Even have flower buds.

Best part of the day?  When I discovered a flat of red onion seedlings.  Oh, the joy.  If we have ever had them before -- or I never noticed them when we did have them.  I got the very last one today, so it was a close one--of not knowing we had any.  Growing onions is such a pleasure.  And another employee is sharing her 40 pound bag of Azomite with me.  Good for onions and garlic.  Now, I have a bed full of garlic (hard neck), yellow (Candy) onions and red onions.  G also started a few scallions.  And I have several huge chive plants.  I should be cutting the chives and dehydrating them.  I should.  Will I?

Well, I have to eat something.  Then I have all sorts of PBS shows to watch.  Then I get to go to bed and SLEEP.  Nothing exciting to report--other then the red onions.  LOL.

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