Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cool Bathroom Idea

Taking a table and reusing it for the bathroom--well, that's what the carpenter and I have been talking about.  Using what's here.  Making it work.  Sanding and painting.  Making the two sink area this narrow makes more room for the new shower (which looks like what this homeowner has to the right).  I like the three light fixtures.  And that tiny shelf for tiny flowers.

I was going to call out sick today.  Now, that would have happened like "snap" at the retail job of last winter.  But, the greenhouse?  Nope.  I'm invested in my co-workers and customers.  So, I told G I would be home by 11 am.  Ha!!!  I wobbled back home at 3:30.  I hadn't packed a lunch and I was hungry.  Which is why I came home home 2 hours early.

I went in because I had said yes to an elderly lady who loves having me help her do up her porch planters.  Thinking of her showing up and finding me absent--well, I just couldn't do it.

Now you know something important about me.  But, you may have already guessed that I was that kind of person, huh?

I planted my sedum, heathers, and the new bleeding heart when I got home along with some blue petunias and orange New Guineas.  Now I am off to the shower.  And then the leg is going up on the sofa to rest.  By 3 pm the leg felt heavy and was "pinging" a bit with a bit of pain.

I must show James that bathroom.  And start looking for an old oak table.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to your sense of loyalty, certainly a quality to be admired, but take care of that knee !! Please.
